Saturday, 21 June 2008

Love What You Do

Today, I have a brigade officer meeting. We belong to the 18th Engineer from Germany now as the 111th EN Brigade just left theater. COL Russell, the brigade commander talked to us, the junior officer about the future and what would be happening 20 years from now, as 20 years would just pass by before you know it. But one thing that struck me the most is the caring for the job; that I must love what I do, I must take care of my Soldiers. The Army is a noble profession, because only less than 2% of U.S. Citizens are allowed to serve the country. I just hope that no matter that the Soldiers are getting out of the Army or continue with the Army after this deployment, they have done great service to the country. God blesses you all!
Bench Warmer PVT Shell
I guess they are the starter then
Mr Photo
We had so much fun while playing volleyball the day before yesterday. Almost the whole platoon showed up to play late into the night.
While the others are playing, SPC Caprio and SPC Henriquez chat with fellow Soldiers
PVT Shell and SPC McCall on the bench
I guess SSG PedroGonzalez did not look so happy after all
PL and PSG
SPC Henriquez driving the RG-31 while on route


Anonymous said...

3rd PLT Wardawgs- LT Pham...
I just want to commend you on doing a FABULOUS job on this blog. I read every post, and it makes me feel closer to MO and like part of the crew! Thank you SO much for all of your hard work!

TO ALL the soldiers- Thank you for everything you sacrifice! Keep on truckin', chins up, and God speed you home to us!!

Anonymous said...

Hi there i was just talking to my husband on the phone,and i was telling him how privilge i feel to be able to see a photo of him,almost the same day i talked to him...I just wanted to tell you how much i apperciate you doing this..My kids love it!!!So thank you and my prayers go out to all of you,,,Mrs.Guevara