Sunday, 28 September 2008

There Is A Time For Everything


1 For everything there is a fixed time, and a time for every business
under the sun.
2 A time for birth and a time for death; a time for planting and a time
for uprooting;

3 A time to put to death and a time to make well; a time for pulling
down and a time for building up;

4 A time for weeping and a time for laughing; a time for sorrow and a
time for dancing;

5 A time to take stones away and a time to get stones together; a time
for kissing and a time to keep from kissing;

6 A time for search and a time for loss; a time to keep and a time to
give away;

7 A time for undoing and a time for stitching; a time for keeping quiet
and a time for talk;

8 A time for love and a time for hate; a time for war and a time for

9 What profit has the worker in the work which he does?

10 I saw the work which God has put on the sons of man.

11 He has made everything right in its time; but he has made their
hearts without knowledge, so that man is unable to see the works of God,
from the first to the last.

12 I am certain that there is nothing better for a man than to be glad,
and to do good while life is in him.
13 And for every man to take food and drink, and have joy in all his
work, is a reward from God.
14 I am certain that whatever God does will be forever. No addition may
be made to it, nothing may be taken from it; and God has done it so that
man may be in fear before him. 15 Whatever is has been before, and what
is to be is now; because God makes search for the things which are past.

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15