Wednesday, 14 May 2008


The sandstorm that SPC Luttrell and SPC Connolly stated as "a typical day in Iraq" is not necessary true. There are only few days like this. Whenever something happen, the person who tells the story usually exaggerates to be more than what it sounds and looks like. If it is a typical day in Iraq, why there are still more than twenty five million people living in this country today? What I am trying to convey is that you need to actually experience it first hand before making an assumption of an event or a place. Iraq indeed is a very beautiful country. As a matter of fact, it is the birth of civilization, the cradle of civilization. The Fertile Crescent is Iraq. The story of humanity started in Iraq at the garden of creation. Just like the bible mentioned it Iraq is the irrefutable site of the Garden of Eden where humanity took birth. Iraq is a land located between two great rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris, the land between the two Rivers. Am I confusing you now?