Saturday, 24 May 2008

Refit day

Today is the Platoon's refit day and we got few things done. First of all, vehicles are tuned up. Some of us got the New IBA (small people who did not get it in Kuwait and New Soldiers). The glassy Soldiers also visit the optometry for new glasses and inserts for EyePro. Other than that, it has been a good day and as of now, we are all getting ready to get some rest before mission tomorrow. We, as the Platoon, are doing quite good. The Summer is around the corner, and I hope as you reading this, you would continue to remind your love ones to drink plenty of water, or otherwise.

SPC Ariola, SPC Dow, PFC Porter, SPC Connolly and SPC Luttrell play video game in the Day room

The situation got more intense

The Platoon has good memories with the Adapter

2LT Pham’s New IBA (Today, SPC Caprio, SPC Henriquez, SGT Sarmiento and 2LT Pham all got new IBA. The New IBA seems better and a lot of people actually like it)

The Refrigerator in the Day Room is full of Drinks

Nascar in Arabic

SGT Guevara the Buffalo Operator

Very Good question: Why do I pick up bombs?