Tuesday, 19 May 2009

Life in Hawaii

As a single man. It is not as fun as you thought it would be. Hawaii is good for vacation (in this case you would travel as a couple or with the family, never by yourself). Nonetheless, Hawaii is blessed with extremely nice weather. I live in Mililani Mauka (the Mountain part), very close to work and the house is next to the park. At around 5:30 in the morning, thousands of bird would start chirping, sun rise, but my window face the South direction, so can’t really see the sun rise or sunset.
In the picture is the street leading to my house. I do not remember (memorize) the street name over here yet. May be it is hard to memorize as the name of streets are foreign to me or I’m just plainly ignorance.
I think Hawaii is over rated, but my job rocks. Well, this 4 day weekend, I will be visiting my family. June, will be D.C again, July will be the Big Island, and July head back to Los Angeles again, August D.C again. I think that is enough traveling for me. I really need to settle down now. But hey, you can’t complain. The life is yours to keep; you do whatever you wish with your life.