Thursday, 7 August 2008

DEI gets help in production to meet burgeoning demands

Diyala Electrical Industries received two machines to help the Iraqi
owned company get closer to meeting its production demand.

The machines are a benefit of a partnership between Diyala Electrical
Industries and the United States Government and are in need at the
company for production of industrial sized electrical transformers for
power lines.

DEI is the only company that produces transformers in Iraq. These are
used to help transport electricity through power lines throughout Iraq.

The machines the company received are wire cutting and gas cutting
machines that will increase the amount of transformers manufactured. The
company needs these machines to increase their capabilities to meet

"Diyala Electrical Industries is critical to Diyala and to the country
as a whole," said David Matthews, senior economic advisor with the
Provincial Reconstruction Team for the Diyala Province. "I think the
improvement over the past year has been dramatic."

Meeting the demand is the goal of the company. The company employs over
2, 5000 Iraqis and as the demand goes up, so will the employment. This
will help the economy and the people that work at the company.

"My concern is about the government of Iraq to be able to produce these
highly technical instruments to be used for the country of Iraq and the
people of Iraq," said Matthews.
Technical ability is an important to the production of DEI and the pole
of Iraq. The company has several engineers and technical experts and
general laborers who work together t assemble different pieces of the

The employees are very excited about the new machines to assist the
company. The new machines will be used to help increase production.

"This is going to improve the production of the company," said
Abdul-Salam Muhammad Jafar, distribution manager, Diyala Electric
Industries. "The new machines can replace some out dated machines and
will allow for an increase in production."

This will make the production faster with less down time for the
machines, said Jafar.

Story by SGT Mark Albright
14th Public Affairs Detachment